Sunday, April 26, 2015

Article #1

Internet culture is very prevalent  in today's school society. Jokes frequently talked about and/or spread on the internet are called memes. Students use memes on a daily basis. While many teachers and students enjoy memes, just like food, there are some memes that people just don't like. According to a recent poll of one hundred students at Central, here are the memes that the students most enjoy.

5. Shrek

The Dreamworks creation of Shrek. A movie meant for kids with so many adult jokes and pop culture references it feels like your watching a fairytale version of the Kardashians. Students can be heard quoting this movie or the fan video "Shrek is Love Shrek is Life" which I do not endorse looking up or watching ever. 10 votes.

5. Rage Comics
Composed of about 20+ premade faces, rage comics are made by a number of people and cover a wide range of topics. 11 votes.

3. Rickrolling

The practice of sending people the link to Rick Astley's song, "Never Going to Give You Up" is quite a popular thing to do. It was been since around 2007. This practice is called "rickrolling". 15 votes.

2. Pepe

Otherwise known as sad frog, Pepe originated from a comic called  Boy's Club. He is now associated with sad phrases and being rejected. 25 votes.

1. Mmmm Whatcha Say

A line originally from the song "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap, it was sampled by Jason Derulo in his song, "Whatcha' Say". Since then, it has most often been put over videos of "tragedies" that have happen in TV Shows and Movies. It has also been used during many vines in a similar way. An overwhelming majority at 39 votes.

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